Infused water 3 ways

Infused water 3 ways

Last week we wrote about 5 tips for naturally healthy skin and one of them was upping your water intake!

Water helps to flush out toxins, keep your insides healthy and hydrate your skin- but you need to ensure you are consistently drinking enough! These delicious and nutritious infusion recipes can help! 

I generally aim for around 3 litres a day and what helped me consistently hit my goal was HABIT and PREPARATION!

I am weird about drinking room temperature water and have to drink my water COLD- I wish it wasn't so, my life would be a lot easier! But I know this about myself and I've figured out ways to be able to have cold water on hand at all times and it's really helped.

  • I have an array of wide mouth drink bottles so I can fill them with ice to keep my water cold on the go. My favourite is this one, it's an insulated squeezey bottle and I find it really great to keep at the desk or for bike rides. Having a re-useable bottle on hand at all times also means I never have to buy disposable plastic bottles! Saving money and the planet 🙌
  • I always keep infused water in the fridge. I really like these tea infusers from T2 that stop the bits seeping into the water- but you still get the maximum flavour! It was definitely a splurge but for something I use everyday I have found it worth it.  Thats another thing I've learnt about myself- not really into bits, but love the flavour!

Find what works for you, whether its taste or convenience, and you'll find yourself drinking more water in no time! 


  • Use organic fruit and filtered alkaline water where possible.
  • For best results leave infusions overnight to get the maximum flavour. 

These are my favourite combinations! 

Strawberry and lemon 🍓🍋

Sweet and tangy! Lemon is great for liver support and strawberry adds a touch of sweetness. If using non-organic be sure to wash the strawberries and peel the lemons.

  • 4 Strawberries, leaves removed + sliced
  • 1/2 lemon, cut in half and thinly sliced
  • 1 litre of room temp water.

Place all ingredients in a vessel, close the lid and place in the fridge over night. Consume within 36 hours. 

Cucumber and mint 🍃

This one is great in summer, it's so fresh and refreshing! Rub between palms to bruise and release the flavours before use. 

  • 1/2 small cucumber, thinly sliced
  • Handful of mint leaves
  • 1 litre of room temp water.

Place all ingredients in a vessel, close the lid and place in the fridge over night. Consume within 36 hours. 

Blueberry and orange 🍊

Great in winter for an extra hit of vitamin C! Oranges, like lemons, should be peeled if using non-organic. You can also use frozen blueberries if fresh aren't available, but they will stain the water and I recommend using a filtered jug like the one mentioned above. 

  • Handful of blueberries 
  • 1/2 orange, cut in half and thinly sliced
  • 1 litre of room temp water.

Place all ingredients in a vessel, close the lid and place in the fridge over night. Consume within 36 hours.